Let us celebrate LOVE in this month's SPECIAL BLESSING SESSION!
Relationships are the cornerstone of success in life! Deepen, enhance, transform your relationship with yourself and others!
Join us in this VALENTINE'S SPECIAL Blessing Session! Each registrant will receive a special Xi Qing Hu Zhou Blessing from a calligraphy from the 10 Da Tao Calligraphy Light Wall!
SATURDAY, FEB 15, 2025- 1-3 pm
Honor Fee: $58 (blessing value: over $400)
Recordings of this Special Session will be available for viewing for 2 week in case you are unable to join session live!
You can also register for your LOVED ONES to receive the Wisdom and Blessings on a soul level!
You can register for yourself and/or loved ones (you can call them in remotely)!
- If using a Coupon Code, please do a separate registration for each loved one.
- Otherwise, you can put in total (e.g. 3 people = 3 X 58 = $174. Enter 174.00 in the AMOUNT area)
- Note names in section: If registering for loved one(s) area.
(*Tao Technology, Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, Tao Light Treasures are copyrighted/trademarked by Universal Soul Service)